Leather Desk Pad Facts

leather desk pads

Even though leather is more popular than ever before and cheaper because of that popularity, you should still know what you are buying before you invest your hard earned money in our leather desk pads.


Grade indicates the quality of the leather that you are buying.Top grain indicates leather taken from the outer surface of the hide while leather taken from the lower surfaces are split grains, and are much weaker. Top grain leathers are then graded depending on how they are manufactured.


Leather is soaked in aniline dye, but does not have other finishes or pigments applied. Only the best hides are used for this superbly soft leather.


Leathers have a small amount of coating or pigment, giving them slightly better protection against stains and fading.


Leathers are fully treated with surface color. Made from lesser-grade hides, they are stiffer than anilines, but also more stain- and scuff-resistant, and more affordable


The better the leather the less need there is for added finishes. But preparing the leather with finishes and surface pigments provide protection from scratches, stains and sun fading.


A function of grade, high quality leather is the softest and most supple, while pigmented leathers and leathers that have been corrected with buffing retain a certain stiffness and hardness.

For more information on leather visit:
InfoLeather - The Leather Directory

For prices & answers to additional questions please contact us by email: or by telephone: 905.475.7451.

JKS Marketing Inc. ~ 3575 - 14th Avenue, Unit 5 ~ Markham, Ontario ~ L3R 0H6
Tel: (905) 475 - 7451 ~ Fax: (905) 475 - 1653 ~ Email:

Desk Pads